Cesky English

Update 14/8/2024


The wild ride continues

Those who follow us on social networks can see that we are really not bored and every day is filled to the brim. There is new blood in our kennel and every owner of a new addition knows what stray missiles are. Lots of energy, desire to discover, socialization, play and training. And we have it twice. :D Why bother right?! Of course, we also take care of Loki and the care of our horse. If we add the normal duties, we are really in one round.
We go swimming in these temperatures, we completed another photo shoot with the dogs, this time according to the flat paradise in the river. :D Sky was chosen as a representative of our station for an hour of handling and on that occasion to socialize a little in the city and in the shops. Every day we go for daily walks, we prepare several courses of nutritious and high-quality food, full of vegetables, fruit, meat, side dishes and vitamins. We invent games, incorporate training and fully socialize. Every now and then you can see walks with other dogs and puppies on our social networks. Last but not least, we interact intensively with our other bred puppies. We visited our orange puppy Lucky twice in the Slovak Tatras, we regularly go for walks with our yellow Neousko, with whom we always have a good time and some goodies. We also went for a walk with the red Hagí and we also saw the light pink girl Chilli and the green dog Hugo.♥ Last of all, the dark green boy Dante came to us for almost 14 days of vacation, and soon we will again see our bred girl from litter A - Arya. That's all in a nutshell and I must have forgotten half of the things. :) Come on, whoever doesn't follow us on the networks yet, there you will learn something about our hectic life with our beloved animals every day.

Thank you to all the owners of our kennels for taking great care of our puppies, for all the messages, photos and for meeting together! We are happy to have you in our Rainbow for Life family! ♥



We present a new trailer for our Sky and Fili a new photo of Loki

The picture is taken in the "Our dogs" . For a closer look at our dogs we select "Focení psů - Martina Justová".

Loki  Sky 2Fialovy web1 Fialovy web



Gradual return to "normal"

It's a crazy ride this year, but a really crazy ride. The insider knows, and others can only imagine in their wildest dreams, what and how a person's life will be turned upside down and turned several times in a few months. But that doesn't belong here, so finally, after some time, we're going to revive our news section again. :)

Over the past six months, I have completed 8 educational webinars regarding dog genetics, breeding, selection of suitable individuals for breeding, but also the influence of organizations on breeding, and then about feeding (meat and pellets - origin, production, procedures), childbirth and its complications, but also the health aspects of the puppies during their breeding and finally, the selection of suitable owners for our breedings. In addition, we managed to go abroad, successfully raise 9 beautiful brown puppies with love and equip them best for their journey to their new homes. Anyone who carefully followed our diary of the "B" litter certainly did not miss any information from the birthing box and how Loki and the puppies gradually did well. We tried to fully capture everything and yet not compromise on the care of our entire beautiful pack. (During the last updates, we had some problems with the storage, so we try to add the rest of the updates continuously).
However, it went like water and the puppies are in new families and we are still continuously receiving compliments from new, satisfied owners and we are warmed by an indescribable feeling of happiness that we have found such great loving homes for our bushy bears. We managed to see some of them again in person and even though they only flew out of the nest 3 weeks ago, they are growing like water. The first was our orange boy "Lucky" - Born to touch Rainbow for Life, whom we visited right at home in the Slovak Tatras, and the second was the yellow boy "Neo" - Before storm Rainbow for Life, where we enjoyed the whole beautiful afternoon and part of the evening and they had time to both walk and sit.

Those who diligently follow us also on social networks (which we haven't completely lost, but the storage situation demanded it and so the latest update is right there) did not miss that our pack has grown...:)


We have puppies! 🤎

On 23.3.2024, 9 brown puppies were born to Loki and Mentos. Everyone is energetic and gaining weight. We have 7 males and 2 females. We still have a few dogs available, so don't hesitate to contact us if you want to have a cuddly, brown mutt at home. You can find more information about the parents, health tests, but especially about the puppies in litter diary "B" where we add current information from the delivery box. And of course, cute photos of the little ones must not be missing. :)

 RFL vrh B web

❀ Pregnancy confirmed!!! 

On February 16, 2024, Loki's pregnancy was confirmed. We are so looking forward to the beautiful brown puppies! More information and photos can be found in the litter diary "B".

BBlok 2 BBlok 1


Canistherapy at Rainbow for Life

Did you know that the grandfather of the expected puppies, Rainbow, was a perfect canistherapist? He conjured thousands of smiles on faces, countless children and adults watched him with glowing eyes and listened to his little heart. Together we formed an unforgettable canistherapy team and visited nurseries, libraries, educational groups, but also private individuals. We gave lectures for children and adults and created a program across generations. We are proud that his genes can continue and we believe that some of his grandchildren will also pass on such joys. 🐾

Canisterapie RFLweb


Puzzles and fun for dogs

After the last post in the "B" litter diary, we received many questions about puzzles and games for the dog, which in our opinion are the most proven and which can keep the furries entertained. A puzzle can serve us as a great helper in several cases. Whether it's a bored havan, even in bad weather or just strengthening the relationship with your canine companion.
In our pack for many years and several generations, we can say that every dog has a favorite and they like to use this form of entertainment very much. Among the most scientific is a rubber balloon with a built-in maze inside, and the dog will have fun with it even without supervision. Then there are also heavier plastic variants with weights, from which it is no longer so easy to get goodies. (It's still a toy for Loki) Or also a puzzle in the form of a big bottle, where the furry has to pull out the treat using the rope inside... Probably needless to say that for our locksmith Loki, it's without much effort.  Last but not least, there are variants of different jigsaw puzzles, but there you need the supervision of the master. We have different types of puzzles - from plastic, wooden, to doors, opening and tilting drawers, sliding wheels, a pulley and sliders... And finally, we couldn't resist a variant in the form of a board game, where your canine friend plays with you as a team.  We would summarize it like this, flats love fun and enjoyment in all possible forms, so this option is also a good way to develop their senses.

Hra Hra 4
Hra 8f Hra 5


Presentation leaflet of litter "B"

Created by: Myszkiewicz, for which we thank him very much.

Loki Mentos B Loki Mentos B


The journey to the bridegroom

On Saturday 20.1. and on Sunday 21.1. the union of Loki and Mentos took place. How was the trip to central Poland and how did Loki the groom like it? You will learn all this in the diary of litter B. There you will find all the information about the parents, everything about the planned puppies, their five-generation family tree and the pregnancy calendar, where you can follow the entire pregnancy of Loki day by day, until the birth.

 IMG 0814 2 2 Loki Mentos 1 Loki Mentos 2

Greetings in the new year

Loki sends greetings from work and a few snapshots from walks where the landscape resembles spring rather than the reign of winter. As expected, Loki started to get hot on us, so we will soon go to meet the groom. Don't forget to follow the litter B diary, where we will add all the latest information.

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New news from Arya

Ohhh, how time flies, look how big our little girl from litter "A" is already! Arya can't deny her mother Loki with a look, we are so happy that our line continues and if we look at Arya - we see Loki - we look at Loki - we see Rai. You'll know that these dogs are simply ours, you'll know that it's Rainbow for Life and that's what it's all about. ♥ After clicking on the photo preview, you will be taken to Arya's page, where you will find all her photos from birth to the latest from her new home and ongoing reports on how she is doing. And we have to say, she's doing really well! Thanks to the owners for sending photos, messages and taking such good care of Arya! ♥

Arya album web

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Christmas 2023

Like every year, Loki enjoyed her Christmas Eve dinner, which this year was won by fish and potato salad (last year she had sprats). :) And of course she was most looking forward to unwrapping the presents. At the same time, he is like a small child. She likes to unwrap piece by piece so much that sometimes she actually forgets about the gift itself in the lighting. But then she is all the more happy when he suddenly turns out to be in front of her. Towards the end of the year, we enjoyed snow showers and snowy walks.

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PF 2024 aj

Christmas, Christmas is coming...

Well, Christmas is still a month away, but at least the snow has finally arrived in Moravia, hooray. Does Loki run wild like a black hand or a brown one? :)  And what are we going to do, it's just a beautiful spectacle. Hopefully the snow will last as long as possible, preferably until Christmas, for the right atmosphere. This year, we have fulfilled what we promised ourselves, so we have already bought all the gifts since the beginning of November, so hopefully we will avoid the Christmas rush this year. And Loki? She is already looking forward to unwrapping presents. :D

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The end of autumn

Although it is already officially winter here, it looks more like a nice, sunny autumn outside. And so, with permission, we will summarize our autumn wanderings in nature, but also some good news. Loki underwent an annual preventive check-up and her blood results and general check-up turned out excellent again! And that's another reason to be happy and another step closer to getting ready for puppies. We look forward to every day! :)

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First spree in the snow

It's the end of November 2023, and finally Loki was able to arrange herself in the snow. Although we had to drive north to meet him, we enjoyed the trip again.

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Time flows like water...

and we enjoy every possible moment to the fullest. We will share with you again a few moments from our trip.

Podzim 2023 6 podzim 2023 Podzim 2023 1
Podzim 2023 2 Podzim 2023 4 Podzim 2023 5 
Podzim 2023 3 Podzim 2023 7

Loki celebrates his 4th birthday

And of course we wish her the best of health, always such energy and joy of life, many trips, fetches, treats and everything she likes. :) Like every year, Loki bit into her cake with great gusto and happily explored the gifts in the form of her favorite puller/throwing puller - she inherited the original puller from her dad, Rai, and although it was a holder, it couldn't last 4 years of playing with Loki and so it was time to buy a new one. Then another puzzle to the collection, which is also very popular with us, made us happy. We already have a nice line of different types and Loki has them all in his bag. :) The next day we took a proper day trip, ending with swimming. I think Loki enjoyed her birthday again this year. ♥

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Our Loki is a hard worker body and soul

He never despises any contribution and gives more than 100% to the work. Her eyes always light up when she goes to work and she gives excellent performances in practice. ♥

 Loki bazant Loki spar.2
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Loki when she stealthily stole a furry fetch from a puppy. Shame! :D

A visit from Arya from our "A" litter

We accepted an invitation to the cottage from the owners of Arya (Artemis hunter Rainbow for Life) from our "A" litter. And so we packed a few goodies and little things for everyone, Mama Loki, and set off for Pálava. The girls had a great time together, Arya is still full of energy and Loki didn't spare her mother. It's really an awl that won't sit down for a while and you can see that it's doing great in its new home. We thank the owners for the invitation, for the right-wing news from the new home and, most importantly, for taking care of Ara. ♥

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Loki on natural hydrotherapy and scraps from hiking

We enjoyed the holiday break again in a different way than by going on trips. This time we went to our second district, Broumovsko. And since a little socializing in the city doesn't hurt, we took advantage of the arrangements in Náchoda and Loki also looked at the supermarket there. Then we traditionally went for a walk in the woods, had refreshments and anchored by the river, because it was Loki in the seventh heaven. Any ponds were forgotten and she couldn't tear herself away from the possibility of walking and swimming against the current. So, of course, we spent most of our time by the water, and then we went to see a friend, in the direction of Vysočina. We sat and had dinner in the garden of the Balloon Hotel, where the staff was very nice and automatically brought Loki a bowl of water. We then went for a walk in the local woods and then headed home.
Again, we are adding fragments of photos from our other trips from the summer. Here Loki may seem to have thrown her coat away. And yes, it is. After giving birth, the expected coat change came, so now it suits her quite well for the summer. :)
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Walks with friends and looking after Agy

Adding some photos from the walk with Scarlett from chs Emerald Marvel. And sometimes a dog comes to us to babysit, and this time Agy applied to babysit again. And so the girls enjoyed playing together, hiking, swimming, but also relaxing at our house.


We enjoy summers
The puppy's departure came just at the beginning of the summer, so we started it practically and properly. We visited a lot of beautiful, well-known and unknown places and walked many, many kilometers on day hikes. Loki handled everything perfectly, as if she needed to run out of all the accumulated energy and welcomed the return to her old ways without the puppy. She could finally swim properly and if she could, she would swim at least as far as Lake Balaton. :) She took away a note about a new pond from every walk. Of course, he couldn't miss the occasional training, and from Loki's enthusiasm I can probably state that he is really enjoying the summer to his fullest. We would love to share some photos from our trips with you, but it was absolutely certain that not everything would fit here. :) This year, we took the beginning of summer very, very actively...
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In litter diary all the lyrics and goodbyes to our first litter, the "A" litter, have been added.


We are enjoying the summer to the fullest. Our puppy flew out of its native nest a week ago, so Loki and I were able to go on our favorite all-day hikes, exploring and traveling again. (In that week, we are approaching almost 100 km in legs and paws) In addition to that, of course, we also have to fulfill the necessary duties and catch up on what we missed in those two months, as we tried to devote as much as possible to the little one. That's why updating the website is really slow at the moment, but hopefully in the foreseeable future I will be able to sort through all the captured snapshots, complete the narration and put the website back together again. Enjoy your summer and we'll be in touch again soon with news and updates. :)


The first deliveries of our litter "A" - 8 weeks

Feathered and furry - both excellent! ♥


7th week of the life of our "A" litter

You can find more information about litter "A" in the diary here


Watermelon party and walks


Added photos and stories from the 5th and 6th weeks of life of litter "A"

You can find more information about litter "A" in the diary here


4 weeks of life

You can find more information about litter "A" in the diary here. 

 Our breeding founders

♥ Father and daughter ♥

      Rainbow 6,5 years                                  Loki 3,5 years         
✯ GrandCh Sk, Ch Sk, JCh Sk, JCh Cz, MultiNV Alfredo z Anvesu          HSCh A Rainbow for Life Happy Sweet Angel                                 

3.5.2023 - 3 weeks of life

More information traditionally in deníčku vrhu "A".deníčku vrhu "A".


Rainbow first offspring are celebrating 9 years!!! 

It's unbelievable how it flies - that's what they call a classic, but it's the truth. It seems like it was a year ago when 12 black puppies were born on that magical night of May 1, 2014. I remember how Mrs. Láníková from the Vérný kamard kennel wrote to me that they have a slightly different way of burning witches and the first Rai's offspring are coming into the world. ♥ Some of them became successful in hunting practice, some tried some showmanship, but most of all they were legitimate and beloved members of wonderful families.

And so thank you to all the owners who have stayed in touch with me and keep me updated on how the blacks are doing.
Like every year, I wish them good health and that they continue to have as great a life as they have so far!

Bert a Black (Marley)
Věrný kamarád 9 years


2 weeks of life

You can find more information about litter "A" in the litter diary here. 


26/04/2023 - Ventilating the head

This proves everyone, and so does our Loki. During the 14 days of care, care and feeding, she had to jump back for a little rest. First, just fool around with a balloon and bring it to the garden, then outside, outside the gates of the home. But like a good mom, she has to immediately go back to the crate to check everything and pet her. ♥

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The first maintenance took place

Or, how the claws were cut... more in "A" litter diary.

(They say it's quite boring)

4/19/2023 - 1st week of life

You can find more information about litter "A" in the litter diary here. 


So we waited and welcomed our "A" litter into the world. You can find more information in the litter diary. Here




Photos from walks

We are enjoying the beautiful, spring weather to the brim. Last week it didn't look like that for us, so we went for a walk, after a long time we got pretty wet. But that didn't bother Loki at all. As is the case with flats, it's like if you water a flower and it gets the moisture it needs, the flat will come alive anyway. :D For now we are still enjoying reasonable walks, but soon we will start preparing for the arrival of the puppies. :)


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How does Loki live?

We would like to share with you a few more photos of Loki, from her everyday life. Walks, fetches, work in the forest and puzzles, that's simply our Loki. ???? The photos were taken before reaching the middle of the pregnancy, although small changes can already be seen on Loki. :) Now Loki is 35 days pregnant and current photos will be added to the Litter Diary.



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Loki is pregnant!!!

On 3/3/2023 it was confirmed that our Loki is pregnant! ♥ You can find more information in the litter diary here: Litter diary.

Hopefully soon...

So we are slowly getting closer and soon another milestone will occur for us, when we will find out if everything went well and Loki is pregnant with Arny. (today is the 23rd day) It's unbelievable how fast it flies, but even so, at the beginning we were still watching the calendar and impatiently counting every extra day. We would so much like to share with you our enthusiasm and some indications of what we have observed, but we do not want to shout anything. As we all know, nature is a powerful witch, so we'd better share it, maybe a little later. :) Loki is anything but fine. She's getting hungrier and hungrier and hasn't eaten us yet, which sounds pretty incredible. :D He enjoys walks, rolling, cuddling and testing new soft drybeds. Fortunately, they passed the test and he says he takes them all. :)


And curious Loki at work...:)

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We report that we are fine

So Loki would probably protest a little, because she is getting hungrier and doesn't understand why she can't indulge a little extra with her good figure. After all, she still has the same active mode and she would definitely run it. But we're adamant and even though her food radars are now even more sophisticated, she's in vain! And so at least she cuddles and cuddles again, she also likes that very much and it's in close succession, right after the food of course. :)
We are attaching some photos from walks and also from work, where Loki also spends time with us.


We've got you covered!

This week we went to the beautiful and successful Arny, the chosen groom for our Loki. And what can I tell you, it was love like a beam! You can read more in the litter diary here: Litter diary.

We will find out in about a month whether it worked. Wish us luck! :)


It is here!

Loki had had enough of the constant poetry about the groom, until she decided to hurry up a little and started having Tuesday 24.1. your days. Next week we are going to the vet, we will check the progesterone level and determine the right day to cover.
All news about the upcoming litter will be published in the litter diary here: Litter diary.


Loki rampages in the snow.


A few photos from the New Year's walk.




We have added the pedigree of the future puppies to the diary of the planned litter "A".

Open the diary by clicking on the family tree preview.

A bit of the first snow of 2022

Those moments spent together. ♥


We are enjoying autumn


Loki 3 roky 

Více fotek najdete na jejím profilu.


Flatí rodinná procházka

Opět jsme se vydali na procházku s Loki a jejím polobráchou Marleym. Starší brácha vzal tentokráte Loki na procházku do svého rajónu a užili jsme si pěknou podzimní procházku. 
Loki si po procházce vyzkoušela i jízdu trolejbusem, hodila očko na fotbal na okolních stadionech, podívala se na pár přistání letadel a celkově okusila trochu toho velkoměsta.
Vše poprvé a zvládla to na jedničku! No a kdo by čekal, že by se madam mohla po takovém dnu alespoň trošku unavit?? (my jo)  Hmm tak nic... Baterky opět nabité na 100% a připravena na další akci.
 Loki pak od Marleyho a jeho páníčků dostala dárek k narozeninám. A to samozřejmě bylo ještě dost radosti…
Jsme moc rádi, že ”máme” Marleyho a jeho skvělou rodinu! A jsem opravdu vděčná, že jsme v kontaktu už skoro 8,5 let!!

“Loki”  A Rainbow for Life Happy Sweet Angel   (O:”Rainbow” Alfredo z Anvesu)

“Marley” Black Věrný kamarád  (O:”Rainbow” Alfredo z Anvesu)


Více fotek na našem FB.


Dnes slaví naše Loki 3 roky

Přejeme si pro ni jediné. A to hlavně kopu zdraví, spoustu flatích radovánek a její nekonečnou energii. ❤️




Loki je chovná fena

Naše fenka "Loki" - A Rainbow for Life Happy Sweet Angel, se stala oficiálně chovnou fenou.

Loki to zatím nijak vážně nebere, ale my už nějakou dobu pečlivě vybíráme toho pravého ženicha...♥ 



23. 7. 2022 - Podzimní zkoušky - Litohořský pohár

Dnes jsme se s Loki zúčastnily Podzimních zkoušek pro ostatní plemena, při Litohořském poháru. I přes velké vedro, zvládla vše statečně a zkoušky jsme úspěšně dokončily.
⭐️A Rainbow for Life Happy Sweet Angel “ Loki” se stala lovecký upotřebitelným psem a výsledek zkoušek je:
⭐️ I. cena a celkové 2. místo. ⭐️

Děkujeme velmi pořadatelům, bezvadným rozhodčím a jsme rádi, že jsme poznali další supr lidi.☺️ ❤️
Ááá tímto taky Loki splnila, poslední podmínku chovnosti…♥ 




Návštěva štěňátek na SK

27.10. jsme se vydali na návštěvu našich děvčátek na Slovensko. Holčičky jsou úžasné, zvědavé a krásné. Pomazlili jsme se, nafotili první portrétky a postoje.

Více fotek a informací o vrhu zde.  ♥ 



 Štěňátka mají 3. týdny

Holky už koukají na svět a začínají se pořádně projevovat...:) 

Více fotek a informací o vrhu zde.  ♥ 


Štěňátkům bude 14 dní

Z hnědých krtečků se pomalu stávají štěňátka a pěkně přibírají. Už to nejsou princezničky, ale pořádné princezny! :D

Více fotek a informací o vrhu zde.  ♥ 

Štěňátkovské okénko z SK

Holčičky hezky prospívají a přibírají na váze. Růžová pořád někam cestuje, zelená je nejukecanější a fialová jen jí, spí a je roztomilá. :)

 Více fotek a informací o vrhu zde.  ♥ 



♥ Máme štěňátka! ♥

Dne 27. 9. 2019 se na Slonvensku Daisy a Raiovi narodily 3 hnědé a krásné princezny!
Maminka i všechna štěňátka jsou v pořádku.

Budeme mít štěňátka!

 Na závěr prázdnin nám přišla skvělá zpráva a to, že se Rainbow stane opět hrdým otcem. 

Březost máme potvrzenou ze Slovenska a za měsíc se můžeme těšit na černá a hvědá štěňátka!

Brzy přidáme více informací!

 Daisy a Rainbow ♥


Rainbow slaví své 9té narozeniny!

V sobotu 3.8. pro nás bylo opět to nejdůležitější datum v roce! A to jest narození našeho úžasného Rejíčka! ♥
Už je to neuvěřitelných 9 let, co bok po boku děláme velké věci, rozdáváme radost a kdy si užíváme krásný společný život.♥
A i když ten čas tak letí, tak je to stále odrostlé štěňátko plné radosti, energie a bez jediného šedivého chloupku.
(Všichni včetně veterináře na preventivních prohlídkách mu hádají 2 roky). Přejeme si jediné, aby to tak zůstalo! ♥
Letos se to s dary trošku přepísklo, ale za tu práci a trpělivost při ní, si to stejně všechno zaslouží! 

Ale pozor, ten největší dárek si Rejíček snad teprve nadělí...nechte se překvapit. :)






 Přidání nového rodokmenu

Tak jsem si trošku opět pohrála s grafikou a vynasnažila se vytvořit Rejíčkovi nový a stylový rodokmen. :) Jestli se mi to povedlo posuďte sami...
Celý rodokmen v plném rozlišení naleznete v sekci "Naši psi" - Rainbow.


 Máme nové logo!!

Našla jsem si chvilku a vytvořila konečnou podobu grafického návrhu loga, pro naši chovatelskou stanici! Dominantou našeho loga je silueta našeho úžasňáka:
GrandCh Sk, Ch Sk, Jch Sk, Jch Cz, MultiNV Alfreda z Anvesu - neboli našeho Rejíčka!! 
Dále tam samozřejmě nesmí chybět název naší chovatelské stanice, kterou tvoří jméno osudového pejska: "Rainbow" a to, co pro mě znamená. (Rainbow for Life - Duha pro život!) 


Děkujeme za trpělivost.
Původní stránky s veškerými informacemi naleznete zde:

  " Rainbow má narozeniny, my máme přání jediný...."

3.8. 2017  je pro nás důležitý den! Narodil se totiž náš úžasný a výjimečně jedinečný Rainbow!!!! Díky němu se začaly plnit všechny sny ve skutečnost. Dozvěděli jsme se o tomto úžasném plemenu jakým flat je! Poznali toho nejoddanějšího a nejlepšího přítele, parťáka a člena rodiny! Stal se zakladatelem naší mezinárodně chráněné chovatelské stanice schválené FCI. Od svých 4 měsíců procestoval spoustu zemí a míst aby se mohl stát Junioršampionem Česka i Slovenska. Stejně tak i šampionem a grandšampionem a několikanásobným Národním vítězem a několikrát i Krajským vítězem. Několikrát porazil i všechna plemena na výstavě a stal se tak BEST IN SHOW. Nesmím zapomenout i na titul Grand Prix Slovakia winner a Best of King + Victory junior winner! Krom mnoha výstavních úspěchů jsme spolu složili lovecké zkoušky, stal se chovným psem a předal to nejlepší svým dětem. Složili jsme i canisterapeutické zkoušky - kde se stal zdravotním psem s průkazem. Nakonec jsme spolu začali pořádat i přednášky pro veřejnost, kde ukazujeme jak se chovat ke psu, co pes potřebuje a co nám může za to dát.... Ať už je to cestování a poznávání nových míst. Ať je to předávání radosti a lásky druhým. Ať je to potlesk na totálně naplněném výstavišti mezi reflektory, nebo jen přitulení doma....dokázal toho mnoho a vykouzlil nespočetně mnoha lidem úsměv na tváři, se zahřátím u srdce. On to umí neskutečně...dělat ostatní šťastnými. Jak říká spousta lidí a my to víme také....JE VÝJIMEČNÝ! (A ač bylo mnoho nabídek na koupi - NE NIKDY jej neprodáme!!!) :) Takže jediné co mu, (si) můžeme přát je: Aby byl jako dosud stále zdráv + další zdraví (protože toho není nikdy dost)! A aby byl stále tak šťastný a veselý jako dosud. Nic jiného si nelze ani přát!




12.3. 2017 by naše malá Sesinka oslavila své 17té narozeniny

Stačilo tak málo, aby tu s námi byla dlouhých 17 let...stále je moc těžké přijmout fakt, že už tu není i když tak nějak pořád je. Ať už ve snech, nebo podvědomě, kdy se člověk podívá a v koutku oka ji vidí... jak leží a sluníčkuje se na zahradě, či na pohovce... Chybí nám všem, i Rejíčkovi. Každý den za ní chodíme, stačí říct: "Jdeme za Sesinkou." a už utíká napřed... Byla to perská dáma, ale stále zvídavá jako koťátko. Byla vycvičená jako pes, který poslechl na slovo, ale uměla se také pořádně urazit. Bylo toho spoustu co jsme spolu za těch moc let zažili a jak mě naučila vnímat svět zvířat. Není den, kdy bych si na tebe nevzpomněla, moc to stále bolí. Stýská se nám všem...

(zde si můžete vzpomenout na Sesinku...)

Rai včera absolvoval kompletní velkou preventivní prohlídku a výsledky nemůžou být lepší!

 Rejíček má vše v tom nejlepším pořádku a jeho zdraví odpovídá ročnímu štěňátku!!! :D
 Nemůžu být šťastnější! 

Rejíček 3. 8.  oslavil své 6té narozeniny.
Opět si pochutnal na svém dortu (tentokrát masovém) a měl radost z nových hraček.


 Dog expo Nitra: Rainbow - Třída šampionů: Výborná 1, CAC, Grand šampion Slovenska!!!

( "Velmi pěkný typ, velmi dobrý krk, hrudník, pěkná horní i dolní linie, typické úhlení, velmi pěkný handling."




 Rai oslavil své první narozeniny! ♥


Rai dostal masový dort a spoustu hraček, pamlsků, ale i praktické věci jako je miska, kartáče, či obojky s postrojem. :) 


Sesinku oslava zmohla...:)

 Krajská výstava psů Vyškov 23. 07. 2019

 třída mladých - Výborný 1, Vítěz třídy!



Mezinárodní výstava psů Intercanis Brno 25. 06. 2011

 Na této výstavě nás bylo v kruhu celkem 9 mladých psů. Pan rozhodčí se nemohl rozhodnout, zda zadá první místo Rejíčkovi, nebo druhému pejskovi. Nakonec po dlouhém váhání jsme získali místo druhé, protože Rai byl opět nejmladší ze skupinky a že bude mít další příležitost získat CAJCe. :) Ale i přesto se panu rozhodčímu velmi líbil a chválil nejen jeho krásnou lesklou srst, ale i mohutnější kostru.

Rejíček dostal opět za krásné předvedení odměnu, v podobě kostičky a odnesl si ji přes celé výstaviště až k autu. Samozřejmě se opět celý nadšený předváděl před celým výstavištěm a když někoho potkal, začal se nakrucovat a předvádět ještě víc. :)

25. 06. 2011 - Mezinárodní výstava psů Brno - třída mladých - Výborný 2




 Výstavní maraton na Slovensku

 03. 06. 2011 - Celostátní výstava psů Senec - třída mladých - Výborný 2

04. 06. 2011 - Mezinárodní ýstava psů Nitra - třída mladých - Výborný 3

05. 06. 2011 - Mezinárodní výstava psů Nitra - třída mladých - Výborný 1, CAJC

 Čekatel Junioršampiona Slovenska!


 Absolvovali jsme Jarní svod loveckých psů a Rai má 9 měsíců

16. 04. 2011


Národní výstava psů 09. 04. 2011

Rejíček mi udělal radost, nejen že byl celoi dobu poslušný a spinkal jako miminko, ale také opět získal obdiv od ostatních chovatelů a jakýže je to poslušný pejsek. Když jsme nastoupili do kruhu, paní rozhodčí se Rai moc líbil. Stál krásně  a dlouhý čas v postoji bez pamlsku, i když jsme to trénovali pouze jednou.

třída dorostu - Velmi nadějný 1



 Kraská výstava psů Vyškov 19. 03. 2011

třída dorostu - Velmi nadějný 1, Vítěz třídy dorostu! 

 Nejelepší dorost - pes!

Nejlepší dorost celé výstavy!


Naše první výstava, aneb jak to vše začalo

05. -06. 02. 2011 - jsme se s Raiem zúčastnili naší první výstavy psů a to na MVP v Brně Duo CACIB. Byla to pro nás oba premiéra, ale ničeho jsme se nezalekli a přihlásila jsem Raie na oba dny. První den byl ve třídě štěnat a druhý den již ve třídě dorostu. (Druhý den jsme do třídy štěnat nemohli již kvůli věku a tak jsme tam byli nejmladší). I přesto jsou výsledky více než skvělé!

 Mezinárodní výstava psů Duo Cacib Brno

05. 06. 2011 - třída štěňat - Velmi nadějný 1

   06. 06. 2011 - třída dorostu - Velmi nadějný 4